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junior miss 1.(十三至十五、六歲的)少女。2.苗條婦女和少女的衣服...

junior school

As a schoolgirl , she was very shy . to help her overcome this , her parents had kim study ballet from an early age . by the time she reached sweet sixteen , the once - shy kim entered the athens junior miss contest 雖然金貝辛格從小就告訴父母她將來要當演員,但是她小的時候卻極度的害羞,害羞到她父親曾經帶她去醫院檢查是否患有自閉癥。

A year later their daughter , glenellen , was born . and when those four children became teenagers glenellen was miss junior miss of california , the next door neighbor suddenly died 一年后他們的女兒愛綸出生,你們該記得愛綸,因為她在這教會唱詩班,多么大的憐憫。

From there , she went on to win the junior miss georgia title , and traveled to new york to compete in the national junior miss pageant 慢慢的她終于變得比較大方,并受到母親的影響也成為學校里跳水體操和舞蹈的佼佼者。